Request for Proposal

RFP # Title Close date

RFA 20-20

RFA 20-20 Court Appointed Psychiatric Services Open-ended
RFA 20-20 Attachment 1 - Agreement for Psychiatric Appointments Open-ended
RFA 20-20 Attachment 2 - Short-Form-Agreement for Psychiatrist Open-ended
RFA 20-20 Attachment 3 - Payee Data Record Open-ended
RFA 20-20 Attachment 4 - Electronic Funds Transfer Authorization Open-ended
RFA 20-20 Attachment 5 - General Certifications Form Open-ended
RFA 20-20 Attachment 6 - Good Standing Form Open-ended
RFA 20-20 Attachment 7 - Darfur Contracting Act Certification Open-ended
RFA 20-20 Attachment 8 - Unruh CRA and CA FEHA Certification Open-ended
Juvenile Court Delinquency Representation Services - Announcement January 31, 2024
Adult Indigent Defense Representation Services - Announcement March 8, 2024
IFB 23-13 IFB 23-13 Notice of Intent Award May 17, 2024
RFP 23-17 RFP 23-17  Jury Management System Replacement May 10, 2024
RFP 23-17 Attachment 1 – Administrative Rules May 10, 2024
RFP 23-17 Attachment 2 – General Terms and Conditions-Defined Terms May 10, 2024
RFP 23-17 Attachment 3 – Acceptance of Terms and Conditions May 10, 2024
RFP 23-17 Attachment 4 – General Certifications Form May 10, 2024
RFP 23-17 Attachment 5 – Good Standing Form May 10, 2024
RFP 23-17 Attachment 6 – Darfur Contracting Act Certification May 10, 2024
RFP 23-17 Attachment 7A – Bidders Declaration May 10, 2024
RFP 23-17 Attachment 7B – DVBE Declaration May 10, 2024
RFP 23-17 Attachment 8 – Small Business Declaration May 10, 2024
RFP 23-17 Attachment 9 - Unruh CRA and CA FEHA Certification May 10, 2024
RFP 23-17 Attachment 10 – Iran Contracting Act Certification May 10, 2024
RFP 23-17 Attachment 11 – Postconsumer-Content Certification May 10, 2024
RFP 23-17 Exhibit A – Statement of Work May 10, 2024
RFP 23-17 Exhibit B – Payment Provisions May 10, 2024
RFP 23-17 Questions and Answers May 10, 2024
RFP 23-17 Non-Cost Evaluation Scores June 7, 2024
RFP 23-21 RFP 23-21 NOIA June 26, 2024
IFB 23-19 IFB 23-19 NOIA June 21, 2024
IFB 23-22 IFB 23-22 Recreational Vehicle June 7, 2024
IFB 23-22 Attachment 1 – Administrative Rules June 7, 2024
IFB 23-22 Attachment 2 –Purchase Order Terms and Conditions June 7, 2024
IFB 23-22 Attachment 3 – Acceptance of PO Terms and Conditions June 7, 2024
IFB 23-22 Attachment 4 – General Certifications Form June 7, 2024
IFB 23-22 Attachment 5 – Good Standing Form June 7, 2024
IFB 23-22 Attachment 6 – Darfur Contracting Act Certification June 7, 2024
IFB 23-22 Attachment 7A – Bidder Declaration June 7, 2024
IFB 23-22 Attachment 7B – DVBE Declaration June 7, 2024
IFB 23-22 Attachment 8 – Unruh CRA and CA FEHA Certification June 7, 2024
IFB 23-22 Attachment 9 – Postconsumer-Content Certification June 7, 2024
IFB 23-22 Exhibit A – Cost Worksheet June 7, 2024
IFB 23-22 Questions and Answers June 7, 2024
RFP 24-01 RFP 24-01 Voluntary Benefits Plans August 13, 2024
RFP 24-01 Attachment 1 - Administrative Rules 2023-08 August 13, 2024
RFP 24-01 Attachment 2 - General Terms-Conditions-Benefits August 13, 2024
RFP 24-01 Attachment 3 - Acceptance of Terms and Conditions August 13, 2024
RFP 24-01 Attachment 4 - General Certifications Form August 13, 2024
RFP 24-01 Attachment 5 - Good Standing Form August 13, 2024
RFP 24-01 Attachment 6 - Darfur Contracting Act Certification August 13, 2024
RFP 24-01 Attachment 7 - Unruh CRA and CA FEHA Certification August 13, 2024
RFP 24-01 Attachment 8 - Iran Contracting Act Certification August 13, 2024
RFP 24-01 Attachment 9 - Payment Provisions-Benefits August 13, 2024
RFP 24-01 Exhibit A - 2023 Voluntary Benefits RFP 24-01 COVER LETTER August 13, 2024
RFP 24-01 Exhibit B - Voluntary Benefits Matrix - MUST COMPLETE August 13, 2024
RFP 24-01 Questions and Answers August 13, 2024

















































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